Well, I've gotten through the first five days of my new diet, and I'm still really excited about it!! Counting points has been a lot easier than I thought it would, and with the support of some awesome friends, my hubby, and even writing in this blog, my motivation is way up there.
I did work out twice this week and I'm going to do some tonight too. Yesterday the weather was gorgeous and I went for a nice walk with just my ipod and my thoughts, and it was perfect. I can feel it in my legs today. I know that getting to the gym is really important too, but I'm going to take advantage of the new nice weather we are getting!
I've stayed in my points range every day this week except for that day we don't talk about with the taco salad..lol. I'm really hoping to see some results when I weigh in and measure next Wednesday.
This weekend should be interesting. I know overall I either don't eat enough or eat too much on weekends so I really have to pay attention to what I'm doing. I also don't drink enough water, so I need to pay attention to that too. Next week we are traveling to Boston for opening day at Fenway Park (oh you know you're jealous!), so it will be interesting to see how I do on the road too.
Oh my god, you're a red sox fan.
...[this is awkward;]
GO RED SOX! I am jealous, i think you should have taken me, because if it wasn't for me you would not be going. HA! Have a great time, give Mike Lowel a kiss from me.
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