5:30am - Kristina gets up with Rowdy, takes him out, plays, plays, plays, with several sips of strong coffee in between puppy jumps and kisses.
6:00am - Jim gets up, and gets in the shower. Kristina attempts to make lunches while preventing the cats from attacking the puppy and the puppy from peeing on the floor.
6:20am - Kristina gets in the shower, Jim attempts to get dressed and drink his strong coffee in between puppy jumps, breakfast, and attempted poops on the floor.
7:20am - Kristina and Jim run out of the house like mad people.
Work Mornings - Busy busy busy, as both of our jobs are now requiring 100% focus all day.
12:00pm - Jim drives 20 minutes home, takes puppy to the park, and drives 20 minutes back to work.
Work Afternoon - Busy busy busy
5:00pm - Kristina gets home, gets attacked by puppy, takes puppy for walk in which he walks in front of her, in back of her, to the left of her, to the right of her, stops to smell grass, and finally poops.
5:30pm - Jim gets home to find puppy eating Kristina's pants, eating grass, eating his chuckit toy, eating anything he's not supposed to.
6-9pm - Jim and Kristina run around like insane human beings attempting to feed puppy, entertain puppy, discipline puppy, make dinner for themselves, save the cats from puppy attacks, save the floor from puppy pee attacks, and finally put puppy to bed.
You think its over right? No
11:30pm - Puppy wakes up crying. Jim takes him out
12:30am- Puppy whining
1:30am- Puppy whining
3:30am - Puppy whining
5:30am - It starts all over again.
It may sound as though I'm complaining, and I need you all to believe I'm not. Rather I'm just trying to give you an idea of our day, and sadly the outline doesn't even do it justice. I honestly think a toddler will be easier than a puppy. At least we will be prepared! We love the little guy right to death though, and don't tell him I said this, but I think Jim might love him more than he loves me! (Kidding). I'm so glad Jim will have a buddy while I travel this fall, I think it will help to keep him sane and give him good company.
Here are a few of my favorite pics of the little guy so far!

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