Jim and I are both amazed at how well behaved this puppy is. There were children in his previous home, so he is very used to being handled, and lets us rub his belly, touch his paws, and even put our hands in his mouth. We were expecting a very sleepless night last night but only had to get up twice to let him out, once at midnight and then again at 5:30 this morning. He barely whined in his crate, (its actually his new favorite space, he brings his toys in there to play), and we only woke up because he was moving around. We haven't had a single accident yet, and even our kitties are behaving much better than we expected. So far, this isn't too bad!
I will post more pics as the weekend goes on. We are just thrilled to have this new addition and can't wait to show him off to all of our family and friends!
He is ADORABLE! I just want to squeeze him! Grego needs to come home so I can have one too! :)
Congrats! xoxo, Dani
Kristina, he is gorgeous!!! I can't wait to snuzzle him!!!!!
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