Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend Update

We are back home after a busy busy weekend. Saturday I got to go in and see Mary and she was doing pretty well. The drugs have her in and out of sleep but when she's awake she is herself and really getting better every day. At this point we think she will be heading out of MGH and in to rehab early to mid-week. She won't need any physical therapy but may need occupational therapy. As of our last report from Mike, she hadn't seen the OT yet for her evaluation, so hopefully we'll know more tomorrow. Once she meets with the OT it will be determined if she can do her rehab in Boston or Hampden....pray for Hampden, it would be great to get her and Mike home!!

So, all in all she is doing great, looking great, and sounding great. I'll let you all know when she heads towards OT and where she is going!

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