Thursday, August 28, 2008

The New Job

I know I haven't updated the blog in quite awhile. Things the past two weeks have been pretty busy. I started my new job last week and so far I love it. It is so awesome to get up in the morning and not dread my day and walk out of the office at the end of the day with a smile on my face. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate every waking minute in my old job, but it was so hard to get excited about what I was was so BORING to me!! And while I do realize I'm still in the honeymoon phase of my new job, it just feels good. I really think I have found a place where I belong, and its been a long time since I've felt that way. I'm very much looking forward to what my new career will bring me and I think this will be something I will stay with for quite awhile.

I start traveling in about three weeks. Traveling means I will be away from home 4-5 days a week, and away overnight for 2-3 of those nights. I think this will be good for me and Jim. Those of you who know us well know that we are attached at the hip, so a little independent time will be good for us. We are actively looking for a puppy though, so Jim isn't too lonely, so if you hear of any black or chocolate male pups looking for a new home, let us know!

I hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend. We are laying low, since our summer was so crazy. Saturday night I'm getting together with some of my favorite girls, and I can't wait for a night of a thousand laughs and about as many glasses of wine. :)

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