Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Puppy!

We have been wanting a puppy for quite awhile now, but were waiting for the right time to finally give it a go ahead. When I got my new job, we both decided that this was the time to get the dog. Jim will be home alone quite a bit this fall, and he could use a buddy. So, we have been checking websites daily for the perfect pup and we found him yesterday! He is a 9 week old chocolate lab, and we are going to name him Rowdy (from the tv show Scrubs). The picture online wasn't great, so I will leave you all in suspense until we pick him up next Friday. :) We are very very excited to welcome him to his new home and we are so excited for the opportunity to give a pup a good home.

I do feel the need to say one thing about our new pup. He is not a rescue. And because he's not a rescue dog does not mean we are bad puppy-hating people. We looked at rescue dogs, and breeders alike to find the one that was a good fit for us. Rowdy just happened to come at the right time. Rescue or not, he is getting a good home with people who will love him and treat him right. Who knows what would have happened to him if nobody did adopt him. I understand that the argument is that if you support breeders, they will continue to breed and fewer rescues will be adopted. But as my husband put it, there are orphan children out there who need to be adopted too, but people keep having their own children and will continue to do so. It is whatever is right for the couple making the choice. So please, do not judge us based on this decision. We are good people, who do good things for our communities and our families. Choosing a dog from a breeder does not change that. It was what was right for us, and I appreciate our friends and family supporting that decision.

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