Friday, June 20, 2008

Shout Outs!

Sometimes I just get so excited about the wonderful things going on in our friends' lives that I have to share. Today I have two fun things to put out there.

As many of you know, last spring, all three of Jim's best guy friends welcomed their first borns, (all within just a few weeks of each other)! As a gift, we bought them a package deal with our wedding photographer, Amy Salerno. In the package, they got free photo sessions with Amy at 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year. Matt and Tanya took full advantage of the gift, and last week Amy photographed Sydney for her 1 year photos. They are just too cute for words. Here's a little preview (and my personal favorite of the bunch), and the link to her blog entry:

Also, with exciting news is Jim's cousin, Kevin. I just recently learned that Kevin is an interior designer, and until I saw his feature article on I had no clue how talented he really is. Check out this house...amazing! Click here!


Anonymous said...

This little cutie pie is so cute. There is not one bad picture in the bunch. What a nice gift to have given to them. I am glad that they took advanage of it.

Anonymous said...

Those photos are so cute! I don't blame you for picking the one you did as your favorite. She's adorable!

And the house looks amazing. I love the wallpaper in the bathroom.


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