When Jim and I lived in Boston we were very spoiled by good friends and family who treated us to (or helped us sneak into) lots of Red Sox games. When we moved to Maine in July 2006, we found it to be much more difficult to get tickets and couldn't get to a game until this April. We're both pretty big Red Sox fans, so we feel so lucky to have already been to two games this year!
My mom turned 50 a few weeks ago, and had never in her life been to Fenway Pa

rk, or any other major league baseball game for that matter. For a while now we've been wanting to get her Red Sox tickets. She's a huge fan herself, and drools over her boy Mike Lowell on a daily basis :) So this year we had no wedding to pay for or house to buy so we decided what better time to treat mom to her first Red Sox game. She was thrilled to get the tickets and decided to bring along me and Jim (ok, I may have begged to go), and her best friend Lynn.

The day was excruciatingly hot!! It was 95 degrees at game time and we thought for sure we'd all fry to death. We got to the gates at Yawkey Way around 11 and hung out until 11:30 when the gates finally opened. After checking out the scene at Yawkey, we headed inside the park. I swear there is nothing like walking up that ra

mp into the park..it almost takes my breath away every time, even though I've been in several times. Mom was thrilled to watch batting practice and quickly walked her way around the park, taking it all in. It was awesome.
When we decided to go find our seats, I realized that they were a bit higher up than I had thought. In fact they were SO high that we were all the way up UNDERNEATH the jumbotron!! I was initially really disappointed. I wanted Mom to be able to see the screen, but I have to tell you it was such a blessing in disguise. We were in the shade and had a constant breeze the whole time. I don't think we would have had much fun had we been stuck in the sun.
The game was a good one and yippee! the Sox won it! Mom had a sign that we made the night before to hopefully get on NESN, but I don't think she ever got on.

Maybe next time mom!
Overall the day was so fun, and it was really special to be able to treat Mom to her first game and hang out with her and Lynn for the weekend. I hope she looks back on it as a great day and an awesome 50th birthday present.
I like the grandstands for the same reason...yeah, the wooden chairs kinda suck, but it's nice being in the shade during an afternoon game :)
Actually they aren't wooden chairs anymore! They completely re-did the bleachers and you get nice plastic chairs now..not too shabby!
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