Thursday, January 29, 2009

If They Only Knew

Sometimes a student doesn't even know how lucky it is that a particular counselor is given his or her application and essay to read. If they only knew how often their file fell into the perfect pair of hands, they would consider themselves to be extremely lucky. For example, when I get students from Hampden Acadamy, I wonder what they would think if they only knew an H.A. alum was reading their application and rooting for them to be admitted. Or the student who has a rough home life, and due to the situation is forced to behave in ways and pick up responsibilities that are far beyond their years. I wish these students knew how close to home their essays hit.

Today I read an essay that was meant to go to me. A student wrote three whole pages about how much she loves Spanish and Spanish class. She talked about how much she owes her Spanish teacher for bringing the language and culture into her life. She was overjoyed at how easily the language came to her. She wrote parts of the essay in Spanish, and discussed how she likes to set her dvd player to play all of her movies in Spanish, or at least watch them with subtitles. She talked about how much she loves the laid back Spanish culture, and how much she can't wait to study abroad some day. She talked about how learning Spanish is a gift. I could just see her beaming while she wrote this essay.

If only this kid knew how close to my heart his essay falls. Even without the essay she was admissible, but there's a little part of me that is proud that I was able to admit her, and I hope she brings her enthusiasm to USM.

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