When Jim and I first moved back to Maine in the summer of 2006, the transition was difficult for me. While Jim's closest friends all lived here in Portland, I didn't know anybody at all. All of my friends were back in Boston or up in Hampden. At the time, we were in the middle of planning the wedding, and I'd heard of the website theknot.com. I knew there were message boards on the knot, but always thought message boards were kind of corny and didn't really know what to do with them. There came a day though that I was bored in my new office job, and decided to pop on and ask for some recommendations for a DJ. From that moment on, I was hooked, and spent most of my free time on The Knot.
My experience on The Knot was a million times different from what I expected it to be. Instead

Last fall, as the 2007 wedding season was coming to a close, we decided to have another GTG. Many of the girls on the board had dogs, so we wanted to do a doggie GTG at a Knottie's house. I didn't have a dog, but really wanted to go, so I went along anyways. As it turned out, only 6 of us showed up to this GTG, (usually there were anywhere from 10-20). In the five or so hours that followed, we laughed more than I had laughed in a very very long time, and we all knew that this group was something different, and that we all clicked in a special way (and so did the pups I might add!). After a few glasses of wine, some hilarious conversation, and some very yummy appetizers, we decided to name ourselves. I won't tell you what the CC stands for (its incredibly silly, like a cheesy high school clique), but the name stuck, and so did the CC bond. Since that day, we have enjoyed more bottles of wine than should be legal, laughed more than even a doctor would prescribe, and formed a bond that I really think will last us a very, very long time.
So, let me formally introduce to you, my CC ladies. Here is a picture from our very first CC GTG. From left to right we have me, Annie, Skye, Jaime, Virginia, and Angie. We couldn't even get a picture without laughing hysterically.

So, onto the story of the day, the CC surprise. Jaime (far left in the birthday picture) is 8 months pregnant, and expecting a little girl, Taylor, due next month! Of course, we are all excited to be aunties and welcome our newest CC member to the family. Jaime had expressed a few months ago that she and her husband Chris felt strongly that they did not want a shower for the baby. Given the economic times, they felt that it would be too much for their family and friends, and didn't want to put that sort of pressure on everyone. I'm telling you, they may be the nicest people I know. Now, while we all respect their wishes and desires, we didn't quite see it fit to not do something for Jaime, Chris, and Taylor. Jaime had mentioned that instead of a CC shower, she wanted to do a brunch at her house. We all thought that was a great idea, but warned her that if gifts showed up, it would be because it was what we all wanted to do, and we did not feel any pressure to give a "shower" per say.
So, as we started planning the brunch, it became apparent that if Jaime were to host, she would be doing too much for her own brunch. So we came came up with a devious plan. We told her that the brunch would be next weekend, the weekend of the 25th, but that in the sneaky manner we all love, it would actually be this weekend, on the 18th. We just needed to get her out of the house so we could sneak in, decorate, and surprise. Her hubby Chris was 100% on board and agreed to get her out of the house. As the date approached however, we realized that the weather was going to be less that perfect, and Chris owning a plowing business, would have to be out the morning of the shower. So on Saturday, I gave Jaime a very strict set of instructions. Leave your house at 9:45am. Leave it unlocked. Return at 11:00am and call for further instruction. Do not ask questions. I managed to convince her this was not the brunch, but some other surprise. She had no idea the whole group was involved.

The morning was a blast! We ate lots of yummy food, ooh-ed and ahhh-ed at the nursery, played silly games, and watched Jaime open the cutest gifts ever for little Taylor! We all agreed that it was too easy to shop for a new member of our crew!
Here are some pics from the morning. We are so excited for Jaime and Chris and absolutely cannot wait to meet Taylor next month!
Skye working hard to get some streamers up!

Jaime opening some gifts

Chris loves John Deere, and Skye found this fabric and made a sleeper sack! I can't wait to hear what Chris thought about it!

Our new Momma showing off the goods

Kristina, if someone asks me what a CC is, I will forever refer them to this blog! I couldn't have said it better! Ever!!
Aw, thanks Skye!
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