Saturday, July 26, 2008

Post-Surgery Update

The surgery went really really well, and we are all feeling some relief. The doctors went in through her skull and removed one of the aneurysms. There was significant bleeding from when it ruptured so she will remain in the ICU for the next 8-10 days to make sure there is no more break through bleeding or clotting. I haven't gotten in to see her, but Jim and Mike have and I guess she woke up and knew who was in the room, which is a very good sign. She is heavily medicated so she probably won't remember much if any of today, but that's probably a good thing. We are hoping she will be a little more coherent tomorrow.

Its been a very very long 24 hours. The three of us (me, Jim, and Mike) were able to cat-nap for about three hours this afternoon, but that's all we've had since we woke up yesterday morning. Mike's sister Maureen joined us at 3am last night and stayed until around noon today and then some of Mike's other siblings and their spouses have been in during the day as well. Maggie unfortunately is stranded in Western Mass without a car, but is hoping to be able to get here tomorrow or Monday and I know she must be very anxious to join the family. We are so fortunate that Mike and Mary each have 7 brothers and sisters, most of whom live in the area, so we have had lots of support the past day and will continue to as the next few weeks go on.

So, the immediate threat is over. Sorry if these posts are a little scattered, but so is my brain right now. I'll post another update tomorrow after we spend some time with Mary. Many many many thanks to all of our friends and family who have expressed their love and support!

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