Today was a great day. Take a little bit of sun, a little bit of warm, and a little touch of spring in the air, and you've got one happy Kristina.
The day started out quickly. By that I mean I woke up at what should have been

8am, but in reality was 9. Yep, daylight savings time. I'm not complaining though, its now 7pm and just starting to get dark. I got out of bed, kissed my wonderful husband who got up with the dog many hours before I arose, and in thanks made him a breakfast sandwich and sausage and cheese omelette. Finish that and it was off to the races...literally. My friends Annie and Virginia were running a 5K in Portland today that ended at a popular Irish bar in the Old Port, Brian Boru's. We got there just in time to see them cross the finish line and join the crowd in Boru's for a beer.

There's nothing like middle of the day beer. Especially after a sporting event, even if you didn't participate in it. The smell of sweat, beer, and mud reminded me so much of my rugby playing days that I was bouncing around the crowded bar happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning. Of course, the good company helped, but it definitely brought me back to a place from my past that I both cherish and miss terribly.
After our midday beverages, Jim and I headed home to treat Rowdy to a fun pre-spring trip of his own. We headed about 5 minutes down the road to Sandy Point Beach, jus

t at the entrance of Cousin's Island. We'd never been there before, only drove by, and this was Rowdy's first official trip to the beach. The timid, afraid to swim, I don't know how to fetch a ball puppy from last fall had disappeared and Rowdy went full force swimming in the ocean, and playing with the other dogs that had come to enjoy the day. He had a ball, and is still passed out on the floor next to the couch (a nice chance for me and Jim to enjoy some quiet time I might say).
Our day ended with homemade english muffin pizzas (I won't lie, this was a selfish excuse to make a dinner that is complete in under 5 minutes), bad reality television which we just can't get enough of, and a sun that has just set.
Thanks for the visit spring. I hope you decide to stick around, you make life a little sweeter.
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