So tomorrow is my ten year high school reunion. I know some of you with a few years on me are probably chuckling at my wonder at how its even possible that ten years have passed already, but I'm still in awe at how quickly time goes by.
For many people, high school is a time that they prefer not to think about. It was an awkward, weird phase, and they are perfectly content not reliving that time or thinking about the people who were in their lives then. While I was, for sure, the epitome of awkward, I loved high school, and I'm so fortunate to still keep in touch with many of my high school friends. And while I know I still have a lot to learn, I can't believe how much I have changed in the past ten years, as I'm sure have so many of my classmates.
I have very mixed emotions about tomorrow's reunion. One part of me is really excited. I can't wait to see my friends who have moved far away, and just be a part of the reunion experience. The other part of me is nervous. While I loved high school, the typical cliques and jealousy existed and I hope that those attitudes have faded over ten years. Its funny, we've all "friended" each other over Facebook, but I never have actual conversations with the people who I didn't really talk to in high school either. It will be interesting to see how time has changed people, for the better or the worse.
I'll be sure to update with stories and pictures. I do know one thing though. I'm going into tomorrow with more confidence and pride in myself and my life than I ever thought I would. No matter how the night turns out, I'm proud to represent who I have become over the past ten years.